- Laura Woodhouse at The F-Word: Harrods and make-up: women's faces aren't good enough
- DavidG at Where's the Benefit?: Picklesgate: How Many DWP Ministers Have Lied to the House? and Need the Loo? Book a Time Slot.
- [trigger warning] Flavia Dzodan at Tiger Beatdown: Systems that force us to lie
- [trigger warning] twice_immigrant: This is why I'm not part of movement atheism
- Paul Canning at LGBT Asylum News: Eddy Cosmas freed from detention after one last (?) humiliation and Is it getting worse for UK LGBT asylum seekers?
- sian and crooked rib: Hands off my uterus!
- Jender at Feminist Philosophers: Biases about gay and lesbian professors
- nominatissima: Coming Out as A Nonbeliever Vs. Coming Out as Queer Vs. Coming Out as Disabled
- [trigger warning] A Bee of a Certain Age: Just not with you, Sunshine
- Renee at Womanist Musings: We Don't Usually Allow Scooters
- [trigger warning for many of the included posts] What Tami Said: My Planned Parenthood blog carnival and Shakesville: My Planned Parenthood: The Carnival Collection
- Den of the Hyena: Why press?
- [trigger warning] Two whole cakes: Real Quick: Weight loss is easy, if you marry your diet.