- Lisa Wade at Sociological Images: Spurious Relationship: Passport Ownership and Diabetes
- Bad Science: Why don’t journalists link to primary sources?
- blue milk at Hoyden About Town: Masculinity and the fear of losing it
- [trigger warning] Bird of Paradox: Egypt: Your name’s not down, you’re not coming in
- Melissa McEwan at Shakesville: Question Austerity
- The Crunk Feminist Collective: The R-Word: Why “Rigorous” is the New Black
- [trigger warning] tigtog at Hoyden About Town: Mythcommunication and Defending the Indefensible
- [trigger warning] Complicity: Channel 4 and transphobia, all mouth but no trousers?
- Cruella-Blog: Dream On
- Incurable Hippie: How will today's budget affect disabled people?