- Echidne at Echidne of the Snakes: Pregnancy Policing
- Guardian: Library clears its shelves in protest at closure threat
- Rumbold at Pickled Politics: Daily Mail thinks criminals should reoffend or claim benefits
- DavidG at Where's the Benefit?: The Inept Leading the Clueless: JCP, JSA and Disability and Lisa: National Protest Against Benefit Cuts - Party and Picnic in Triton Square
- [trigger warning] s.e. smith: On Growth Attenuation and ‘Moral Compromise’
- Jender at Feminist Philosophers: Education Maintenance Allowance
- [trigger warning] Spark in Darkness: Another litany of prejudice and bigotry
- Lisa Ansell: False Economy
- Andy Godfrey: Mainstream consensus, Katy Perry and being “rational”
- Queen Emily at Questioning Transphobia: Re-watching movies
- Kate Belgrave at The Daily (Maybe):Women and the cuts
- [trigger warning] Laura Woodhouse at The F-Word: 16-year-old girl convicted following “false rape allegation”
- Helen at Hoyden About Town: Poor Journalism nearly causes Road incident
- Lisa Wade at Sociological Images: Cultural Differences in Cognitive Perception
- Renee at Womanist Musings: #Hollaback and Fighting Street Harassement
Also, no specific post - rather the whole thing: [trigger warning] MicroAggressions