- Earwicga: UK tortures torture victims
- Zero at the Bone: Taking a sickie
- Paul Krugman: Authenticity
- RMJ at Feministe: Objectivity and Neutrality
- s.e. smith: Faith and Respect and [trigger warning] False Accusations and Rhetoric and WEIRD Psychology: US-Centrism and Unintended Consequences
- Quixotess: Don’t understand why anyone
- Renee at Womanist Musings: Class and Pet Ownership
- Beppie at Hoyden about Town: Intersectionality and Privilege: Addressing the Squishy Bits
- Flash Bristow at Where's the Benefit?: DLA and work? Who is confused here?
- [trigger warning] Anna at FWD: Record of the Dead
And finally, the American Library Association has produced a list of the top-100 banned or challenged books for 2000 to 2009. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, is 69th.